Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hello, my name is Peter and I am 16 years old and I wear briefs. Someday, I was at a strip chat, talking with people I didn't know, and one moment a girl said she wants to see me naked and I gave her my e-mail. I turn on my webcam, but I've never shown my face. She act like normal, like she was enjoying. So I let it go, and keep doing the thing, until I was only with my pants and I drop them and there I was with my blue Donald Duck's briefs (ok pretty childish, I know, but I like them) and she starts laughing and says "I always thought that you were a boxer-guy" and she called me Peter. So I wonder how she knows me, and asked her. She told me she have filmed all the thing, and I was chocked when I discovered that she was sister one of my pal's and began to blackmail me if I didn't drop the briefs that she would show everyone my video. Since then I have been shown my body to her until next week, when her brother saw one of my videos and drop my pants in front of the whole school and wedgied me. It was SO embarrasing, everyone's saw my videos and my penis, seriously. Thanks for posting my story and for your blog.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jacob Edgie's Story

Hi I'm 12 in September my friend had a party and he invited like all the boys in the grade
he even invited this one gay kid i don't know why but he did so i thought that that nothing out of the usual would happen like getting pansted so i wore blue blue briefs and so when i went to the party thing kept getting worse and worse to start things off i went to his house and went to the bathroom and the gay kid opens up the door so every body can see my penis
luckily not a lot of people were there but things got worse...
he pantsed me when everyone showed up THEN HE SHOVED HIS FACE IN MY PRIVET PARTS AND SHOOK HIS FACE IN THERE AND LICKED IT (luckily i had my briefs on) THEN HE GRABBED MY BUTT CHEEK!!!
but before i did that he threw my shorts over the fence so i had to climb up an over the fence to get them.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kenno's story

So, I am in high school and at the beginning of the school year, I realized that I wanted to wear tighty whities again. I switched to boxers because my older brothers wore them. So I told my mom and she was like okay I will take you to buy some. However, she went out of town and called my grandma to take me. So my grandma took me to the store and headed directly to the children's section. She picked out these little boys undies with designs on them like skateboarders, pirate ships, and frogs. I tried to tell her those were too small and looked so childish so she grabs the biggest sized ones and made me take them. When we got home my grandma threw out all of my boxers because I had new underwear. My brothers laughed and I was embarrassed. My mom eventually took me to the store to buy some plain white and colored briefs, but I did have to wear those cartoon ones to school and was teased because I was caught in them once.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Donnies Story

I have been caught in my underwear. Boy is that embarrassing! I remember when I was in grade 4. Two friends and I were pulling each other by the arms along the field. The person who was being pulled would lay flat on their stomach and the other two would grab his arms and run as fast as possible.

It was funny. When it was my turn, I felt my jogging pants being pulled down over my bottom and exposing my underwear. Of course, I could not pull them up, because I was being pulled by my arms!

I yelled, "Stop!!", but not knowing why they just kept running. As they kept running my jogging pants kept going down farther, and farther. After only a few seconds my pants were done to my ankles. By the time they stopped, by pants had pulled down over my hightop (sneakers) and pulled inside out. Luckily, my sneakers were too big for the bottoms of the legs to pull off.

Now imagine wearing a pair of pants inside out, so they are only attached to you shoes. N-O-T not fun!

As soon as my friends let go I rolled over onto my back and sat up and tried to get my pants back up. There were not a lot of kids there, but a couple of my friends sisters were there, and a girl classmate. One girl turned away, and the other two giggled and watched me struggle with my pants.

In the end, I had to pull my shoes off, pull the shoes out of each leg, put the pants in the right way around and the put them back on. This took well over a long long minute. I did not have a long shirt or jacket to cover myself. My "friends" were buckled over on the grass laughing. That third girl that turned away, got brave and turned to watch me. I was in clear view of my two "friends" and the three girls.

Sitting there in your spiderman briefs on an open field, with no where to hide AND with girls watching you struggle to put you pants back on is N-O-T not FUN!

You can trust that no one was willing to be dragged in the grass again! The girls that watched called me spidey for weeks after that! Despite the embarrassment something like that is more of a smiling and blushing type of embarrassment.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"This is an unowned story from an unknown author"

I was in the 11th grade and on the basketball team. We had these break-away pants with buttons all up the side. We would wear them during warm up and then make a big deal to pull them off in front of the fans exposing our basketball shorts. Except, it was very hot in the locker room and I had skipped the shorts part. I pulled my pants off to reveal my tighty whities. My mom never let me wear boxers because she did not want to spend the extra money on them. I had three brothers who all had to wear Fruit of the Loom tighty whities and so my mom had written our names on them on the back collar. Unfortunately, as it was so hot, I did not realize the absence of my shorts and started the game.
I noticed many cheers of the nickname my mom calls me, which I was revealing to a packed gym. I quickly ran to the locker room to put my gym shorts but a crowd was in my way. A girl pulled on the back of my briefs and they curled up showing my bare butt as I ran into the locker room. When I came out, I got a standing ovation. I was so embarrassed of my tighty whities I bought some boxer briefs and "accidentally" forgot my shorts at the next game too so I wouldn't look like a dork who wanted to wear tighty whities.